Doris Ruth - Allie Adams
Doris Ruth combines vintage looks with a stylish appeal for a look that is feminine and flirty. With the signature tagline “please wear with heels,” these collections allude to female iconic images with an exceptional amount of grace and charm. Bright colors printed on classic cuts, pieces seem to be stolen from childhood dress-up time. Doris Ruth’s success has flourished over the past few years with designs featured in national magazines such as Elle, Lucky, and InStyle.
Allie Adams is the creative mind behind Doris Ruth. The company is named after her grandmother, to whom which Allie learned her fashion sense. She has been intrigued by fashion since birth, and began her career as a costume designer. Allie now creates ready-to-wear collections as well as custom looks for the individual client. She combines definitive, vintage looks with a little glitter and a lot of glam to create a one-of-a-kind look for the one-of-a-kind lady.
A list of Doris Ruth product carriers is available online. Chicagoland boutiques featuring Allie's designs include Fuchsia in Glen Ellyn, Sweet William in Hinsdale, and and Red Head Boutique in Chicago. A list of national Doris Ruth product carriers is available online. Chicagoland boutiques featuring Allie’s designs include Fuchsia in Glen Ellyn, Sweet William in Hinsdale, and Red Head Boutique in Chicago.
Location: 500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-527-1370
Web site:
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